The Homeowner’s Guide To Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles have been the main roofing material produced and utilized in the United States for over 100 years. They constitute 70 percent plus of current sloped roofing materials used for both roof replacements and new roofing construction. Most homeowners choose asphalt shingles because of their affordability, durability, longevity, and availability in an extensive range

How Hail Affects Roofing Shingles

How Hail Affects Roofing Shingles

Although all types of bad weather can damage your roof, hail can be especially damaging to your shingles. Hail, which can be the size of tiny ice pellets or as large as softballs. Even small hail can cause damage and it is important to know that the manufacturer’s warranty may not cover damage caused by

Can You Replace a Roof in the Winter?

Winter’s here again. While we like to associate this time of year with picturesque snowfalls, warm hearths, family togetherness, and that special holiday spirit, it also brings with it some logistical challenges when it comes to your home. Winter is one of the roughest times on your roof, even if you live in a warmer