How Bad Weather Impacts Your Roof

Bad weather causes many things and it can certainly impact your roof. Just the sun constantly beating down on a roof is enough of a problem but there are other factors with inclement weather that compromise the integrity of your roof.   Bad Weather Eventually Affects a Roof Severe weather can bring a double dose

How Long Should It Take to Install Your Commercial Roof?

Out of all the projects for your commercial building, a roofing install can take a significant amount of time and money to complete. During this event, you want to keep your employees, visitors, and other people in the loop about the project’s progress. By having a timeline for your project, you can keep everyone happy

How To Find A Roofing Contractor in South Jersey

When it comes to finding a reliable roofing contractor in South Jersey, RGB Construction is your go-to company. With their expertise, quality craftsmanship, and exceptional customer service, they have earned a stellar reputation in the region. Whether you need roof repairs, installations, or replacements, RGB Construction is the roofing contractor you can trust. In this

How Long Does a Home Remodel Take?

When you are ready to tackle those home renovation projects, there are plenty of things to consider, especially the renovation times. Renovations can last for several weeks or months. You will have to deal with contractors in your home, the sound of tools, and plenty of debris and dust. Those small projects can even disrupt

When Is It Time for a Commercial Roof Replacement?

If you are a business owner, you want to keep up the appearance of your building, including the commercial roof. When there are issues with the roof, it can cause significant damage to your building’s structure. Along with that, this is not an easy or cheap fix for you. It might be time for a